
Department of Computer Engineering


The core courses offered by the Department of Computer Engineering are B.Tech Degree in Computer Science and Engineering, B.Tech Degree in Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) and Masters Degree Programme  in Computer Application from Kerala Technological University, Kerala. These courses are aimed at providing theoretical and practical knowledge of Computer Science.

The subjects in Bachelor’s level programme include Computer Architecture and Organization, Automata Languages and Computation, Data Structures and Algorithms, Database Management Systems, Language Processor, Computer Networks, Advanced Architecture and Parallel Processing, Software Engineering, Digital Signal Processing, Analysis and Design of Algorithms etc. The curriculum also includes management papers like Industrial Organization and Management.

In order to bridge the gap between knowledge and its true application, students are required to undertake seminars, mini-project and the main project that put them through an industry-like situation. The course produces an ideal computer engineer, well-equipped to meet the challenges of the rapidly growing IT industry.


Emerge as a meritorious centre  in computing to mould competent and socially committed professionals.


M1: Nurture a stimulating environment by means of quality education and state of the art facilities to groom young minds for their professional career, higher education and innovative research.

M2: Foster managerial and entrepreneurial skills of students through co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

M3: Facilitate the students to address socially relevant problems with professional ethics and values.

Sri. Gopakumar G
Associate Professor & Head Of the Department
Department of Computer Engineering
College of Engineering, Chengannur
Alappuzha (Dist.) – 689121

Programmes Offered

Programme Duration
B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering 4 years
B.Tech in Artificial Intelligence& Machine Learing 4 years
Master of Computer Applications (M.C.A) 2 years

Programme Objectives and Outcomes

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO1: Graduates shall have a sound knowledge in Computer Science adaptable to the evolving technical challenges to pursue a profession in computing.

PEO2: Graduates shall be theoretically proficient for higher studies and contribute to the advancements in computing through research.

PEO3: Graduates shall have leadership and teamwork qualities competent of being good entrepreneurs.

PEO4: Graduates shall exhibit social commitment with ethical values in designing computing  solutions.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

PSO1: Able to analyze real world situations to develop software solutions incorporating new ideas and modern technology.

PSO2: Competent to Design and develop digital hardware based programming solutions


1 Dr. Shyama Das Professor
2 Dr. Manju S Nair Associate Professor
3 Sri. Gopakumar G Associate Professor
4 Smt. Jyothirmayi Devi   C Assistant Professor
5 Smt. Manjusha Nair S Assistant Professor
6 Smt. Princy Sugathan Assistant Professor
7 Smt. Geetha S Assistant Professor
8 Smt. Shiny B Assistant Professor
9 Dr.Sabeena K Assistant Professor
10 Smt. Betty James Assistant Professor
11 Smt. Nasseena  N Assistant Professor
12 Smt. Sreelekshmi K R Assistant Professor
13 Smt. Aarathy U P Assistant Professor
14 Smt. Angel Thankam Thomas Assistant Professor
15 Smt. Shereena Thampi Assistant Professor
16 Smt. Ameena A Assistant Professor
17 Smt. Rosy K Philip Assistant Professor
18 Smt. Neethu Treesa Jacob Assistant Professor
19 Sri. Vishnu S Kumar Assistant Professor
20 Smt. Jithy John Assistant Professor
21 Smt. Syeatha Merlin Thampy Assistant Professor
22 Smt. Alka Vijay Assistant Professor
23 Smt. Leya G Assistant Professor
24 Smt. Chinchu M Pillai Assistant Professor
25 Smt. Shabana Mol S Assistant Professor
26 Smt. Sulaja Sanal Assistant Professor
27 Smt. Reshma Raj K S Assistant Professor
28 Smt. Reshma Ann Mathews Assistant Professor
29 Smt. Premy P Jacob Assistant Professor
30 Smt. Suvarna Dev Assistant Professor
31 Smt. Syama S Assistant Professor
32 Smt. Josmi Jose Assistant Professor
33 Smt. Sruthy R S Assistant Professor
34 Smt. Linnet Elsa John Assistant Professor

Technical Staff

1. Smt. Jalaja Kumari R Trade Instructor
2. Smt. Manju J Computer Programmer
3. Smt. Dhanya R Computer Programmer
4. Smt. Rahana Computer Programmer
5. Smt. Santhi Krishna Tradesman
6. Smt. Priya Nair S Tradesman
7. Smt. Renju R Tradesman
8. Smt. Raji Demonstrator

Department News