
Dr. Smitha Dharan
Professor & Head of the Department 


  • PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from University of Kerala for thesis entitled “Novel Algorithms for Microarray Gene Expression Analysis” in 2010.
  • MTech in Computer and Information Science from Cochin University of Science and Technology in 2001.
  • BTech in Computer Science and Engineering from University of Kerala in 1986.
  1. Head of the Department, Dept. of Computer Engg, CE, Chengannur
  2. Member, Board of Studies in Computer Science (Pass), University of Kerala.
  3. Nodal officer (Purchase) under TEQIPI.
  4. Member, Expert Visiting Committee, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
  5. Academic Auditor, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
  6. Research Supervisor, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
  7. Assistant Convener, Alappuzha-Pathanamthitta Cluster (for PG studies) under APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University.
  8. Coordinator, IHRD Projects.


  • Smitha Dharan, Achuthsankar S. Nair, “Biclustering of Gene expression Data using
    Reactive Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure”, BMC Bioinformatics (Impact
    factor 2.435 in 2015), 10 (Suppl 1):S27, January 2009. [available online at] [SCI Indexed Journal][Citation Index
    of the paper: 53]
  • Jyothisree V. and Smitha Dharan, “Shadow Detection using Tricolor Attenuation Model
    Enhanced with Adaptive Histogram Equalisation”, International Journal of Computer
    Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT), Vol. 5, No. 2, 2013, pp. 147 – 155.ISSN
    NO:0975- 3826. (Impact Factor for year 2015 is 1.850)
  •  Anoop A Jose, Smitha Dharan, Joyal John, Shyma S Nair, “Classification of Eukaryotes
    based on Chaos Game Representation using Support Vector Machine”, International
    Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol. 3, issue 4, pp. 1642-1645, 2014.
    ISSN NO:2229-5518
  •  Sruthy R and Smitha Dharan, “Driver‟s Drowsiness Detection Using Circular Hough
    Transform and Iris Visibility Ratio Analysis”, International Journal of Engineering Research
    &Technology, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 2183-2185, 2014. ISSN NO:2278-0181

  • Smitha Dharan, Achuthsankar S. Nair, “Detection of Significant Biclusters in Gene
    Expression Data using Reactive Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Algorithm”,Resume
  • Proceedings of International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME 2008),
    Singapore, December 3-6, 2008. [available online at
  • Smitha Dharan, Achuthsankar S. Nair, “Biclustering of Gene expression Data using
    Reactive Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure”, in Proceedings of 7th Asia
    Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC 2009), pp. 297-296, Beijing, China January 13-
    16, 2009]
  • Smitha Dharan, Achuthsankar S. Nair, “Biclustering of Gene expression Data using
    Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure”, Proceedings of IEEE Region 10
    Conference TENCON 2008, Hyderabad, India, November 18-23, 2008.
  • Smitha Dharan, Achuthsankar S. Nair., “Cardinality based Greedy Randomized AdaptiveSearch Algorithm for the Detection of Biclusters in Microarray Gene expression Data”,
    Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication
    Technologies for High Performance Applications, September 24-26, 2008.
  • Smitha Dharan, Achuthsankar S. Nair., ” Analysis of Greedy Iterative Search Algorithms
    for the Detection of Biclusters in Microarray Gene expression Data “, National Conference
    on Computational Biology, Karunya University, Coimbatore, August 22-23, 2008.
  • Suma L. S., Smitha Dharan, Abdul Nazeer K. A. and Achuthsankar S. Nair, “Identification
    of Localized Patterns in Gene expression Data using Sparse Non-negative Matrix
    Factorization”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Optoelectronics,
    Information and Communication Technologies (IPOICT 2009), pp. 594-597, February,
  • Suma L. S., Smitha Dharan and Abdul Nazeer K. A., “Microarray Data Analysis using Non
    Negative Matrix Factorization with Sparseness Constraint”, Proceedings of International
    Symposium on Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Synthetic Biology, pp. 44-45,
    January 2008.
  • Smitha Dharan, Achuthsankar S Nair, “Detection of Coherent Biclusters in Gene
    Expression Data using Hybrid GRASP”, Proceedings of International Symposium on
    Computational Biology, Structural Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, pp. 111, January
  • Linoe M. Varughese and Smitha Dharan, “Study on Fractals – Creation, Compression and
    Dimensional Analysis”, Advances in Computing, Communication and Information Science,
    (ACCIS-14), pp.368–378, 2014.

  • Smitha Dharan, “An Insight into Embedded System Design and Applications”, inProceedings of the National Conference on Software Agents and Embedded Systems,
    Coimbatore, pp. 248- 257, July 2013.
  •  Smitha Dharan and Achuthsankar S. Nair, “Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for
    Clustering Gene Expression Data from Microarray Digital Images”, Proceedings of National
    Conference in Recent Trends in Opto Electronics and Laser Technology (NCOL), pp. 44-
    45, April 2007.
  •  Chinchu S Pillai, Smitha Dharan (2017), “Ripplet Transform Based Identification And
    Segmentation of Liver Cysts”, Proceedings of National Conference on Power, Control,
    Communication and Computing(NPCCC‟17), No. 9, 39-43.
  • Head of the Department, Dept. of Computer Engg, CE, Chengannur.
  • Member, Board of Studies in Computer Science (Pass), University of Kerala.
  • Nodal officer (Purchase) under TEQIPI.
  • Member, Expert Visiting Committee, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
  • Academic Auditor, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
  • Research Supervisor, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
  • Assistant Convener, Alappuzha-Pathanamthitta Cluster (for PG studies) under APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University.